Edumundo - Business Education Blog

Gamification: The Power of Collaboration

Written by George Sakoulas | Sep 7, 2023 3:24:31 PM

Start of the academic year 2023/24. The implementation of a passive approach to learning has been a detrimental stain on education, often stemming from teacher burnout and shortages in schools worldwide. Unfortunately, this issue was exacerbated during the pandemic, as teachers resorted to providing superficial feedback and easily attainable grades to cope with their exhaustion, often disguised as compassion. Now Universities and Colleges are facing an escalation in the problem of disengaged and de-incentivised generation of digital natives. 

Gamification has often served as a bridge between compulsory and post-compulsory education. Often, the excessive focus on assessments during pre-18 education leads learners to adopt a passive learning approach, which contradicts the independent learning expected in higher education. Gamification acts as a valuable tool in bridging this gap to the higher education environment where the intrinsic motivation to learn and develop is suppose to thrive.

Moreover, the concept of community within higher education has become a topic of great importance in the post-pandemic era. As face-to-face attendance for lectures and seminars has decreased, traditional methods of building community, like Freshers' Week, have become less effective. Consequently, digital-based approaches are increasingly utilized to foster a sense of belonging and community among students.

Furthermore, this passive approach continues to gradually seep into higher education, escalating the scale of the issue institutions like John Liverpool Moore's Business School face on a yearly basis. It is crucial to acknowledge that the pandemic merely accelerated existing trends. As Peter Wolstencroft aptly states:

"I am not fond of the narrative that the pandemic completely transformed everything. Additionally, the role of parents has become increasingly intriguing, with more parents advocating for their children than I have witnessed in my 25+ years in education."

Transforming Onboarding for New Students

One crucial aspect where gamification can make a significant impact is in the onboarding process for new students. By incorporating gamified elements, universities can create a more engaging and informative onboarding experience, ensuring that new students feel supported and prepared right from the start. This is especially important as the Office for Students (OfS) now measures the extent to which students receive 'value for money,' making onboarding increasingly vital to student retention.

These factors emphasize the importance of fostering learner independence from the very beginning and not assuming that higher education students possess advanced learning skills needed for study within higher education. By incorporating gamified experiences across campuses, universities can cultivate positive habits and transform the way students learn and interact with their peers. Utilizing business simulations and gamified apps, such as BrightBirds, allows for a more immersive and impactful educational experience for students.

Building Stronger Student Connections

Student engagement apps like BrightBirds provide interactive activities that encourage new students to connect and feel a sense of belonging within the university community. These apps break down barriers and facilitate organic friendships and support networks as students interact with the platform and with each other. As the academic year progresses and challenges increase, students have the opportunity to learn more about their environment and peers, fostering meaningful friendships and support systems. Embracing collaborative gamification in higher education not only benefits individual students but also contributes to the overall success and reputation of the university. By creating a dynamic and engaging learning environment, universities can attract and retain high-performing students while preparing them for future career success.


Enhancing Learning Outcomes

One of the key benefits of incorporating collaborative gamification in higher education is its undeniable impact on enhancing learning outcomes. Traditional methods of learning often focus on individual achievement and knowledge acquisition, neglecting the importance of collaborative problem-solving skills. However, by introducing gamified experiences that promote collaboration, universities can revolutionize the way students learn and retain knowledge.

Collaborative problem-solving not only encourages students to work together towards a common goal but also fosters critical thinking, communication, and teamwork skills. When students engage in group activities and gamified simulations, they are challenged to think creatively, analyze complex problems, and come up with innovative solutions. This active and collaborative approach to learning deepens their understanding of the subject matter and improves knowledge retention.

Moreover, collaborative problem-solving through gamification also prepares students for the modern workforce, where teamwork and problem-solving abilities are highly valued. By experiencing the challenges and rewards of collaborative problem-solving in a gamified context, students develop the skills and mindset necessary for success in their future careers. Incorporating collaborative problem-solving through gamification not only enhances learning outcomes but also cultivates a sense of community and belonging among students. As they work together towards shared goals, students develop meaningful connections and support networks, creating a positive and inclusive learning environment.

Finally, the impact of collaborative problem-solving on knowledge retention cannot be underestimated. By embracing gamification and incorporating collaborative elements in higher education, universities can empower students to become active learners, critical thinkers, and effective problem solvers. This transformative approach to learning not only enhances academic performance but also prepares students for success in their future endeavours.


The Impact of Collaborative Gamification on University Success

The impact of incorporating collaborative gamification in higher education goes beyond student satisfaction and retention rates. It also has a profound effect on the university's reputation as a forward-thinking educational institution. By embracing gamified experiences, universities demonstrate their commitment to innovative and engaging teaching methods, which in turn enhances their reputation among students, parents, and the wider academic community.

Additionally, collaborative gamification prepares students for the modern workplace by enhancing their employability skills. Through problem-solving activities and interactive simulations, students develop critical thinking, communication, and teamwork abilities that are highly valued in today's professional world. Furthermore, collaborative gamification allows universities to explore the opportunities and challenges presented by artificial intelligence (AI) in education. By leveraging gamification, institutions can maximize the benefits of AI while addressing potential issues and ensuring a seamless integration of digital technology in the learning process.


This blog was written in collaboration with Dr. Peter Wolstencroft and Liverpool Business School at Liverpool John Moores University