Academic Articles


New simulations that bring learning to life will help develop key skills at the University of Salford Business School. Thanks to a partnership with digital learning provider Edumundo, students working across a variety of courses will use these simulations to test out theories and concepts, ...

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Bridging Theory and Practice

The aim of this study is to examine this matter by assessing the efficacy of business simulator software as a viable measure to connect theory and practice. This software enables students to practically apply their theoretical knowledge in business simulations thereby cultivating essential ...

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Experiential Learning Through Management Simulations

Digital learning provider, Edumundo recently hosted a webinar on student engagement with an emphasis on experiential learning through management simulations – a type of business game where teams of students manage their own fictional companies and compete to gain market share.

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Teaching SDGs through business simulations

On Tuesday 7th June Dr Ziko Konwar, Professor of International Business at the University of Leeds took part in a webinar hosted by business simulation specialists Edumundo, to discuss impact of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on business and how they are changing the way business ...

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Strategy Simulation Games in Management Education Is More than Having Fun

Simulations nowadays are being used in various disciplines, in an attempt to bring various business aspects from the real world in classroom (Faria, 1990; Faria and Wellington, 2004); business faculty recognize that simulation adds value in learning process (Zantow et al., 2005). When this ...

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Operations Management Curriculum Development Under Uncertain Situations

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a major disruption to higher education as face-to-face teaching had to shift to distance teaching overnight. This paper describes the adaptation of an operations management undergraduate core module, taught to first-year students, from face-to-face delivery ...

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Using Technology to Enhance Students’ Engagement

Technology has increasingly been used as an approach to learning in the Higher Education context. Due to the poor level of engagement and attendance, Edumundo Business Simulation Game (BSG) was adopted as a strategy to stimulate students' participation in the module. The purpose of the ...

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Experiential Learning at University of Sunderland

Lecturer in Postgraduate Business Alessandro Ferrazza was joined a panel discussion to talk about experiential learning in his work at the University. He was taking part in digital education provider Edumundo's ‘Experiential learning using management simulations’ webinar alongside Dr Keith ...

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Using simulations when teaching management

"To sum up, the main benefits of the use of these simulations include the opportunity to contextualize and identify key problems and to experience the outcomes of decision making. Furthermore, it gives students the opportunity to develop soft skills such as negotiation, communication and team ...

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Business Simulation as an Interactive Method for Training Economists

In the article, the authors identified the essence of the main categories of research: simulation, computer simulation, business simulation. Business simulation is viewed as an interactive method for training economists, which has a system of rules and objectives and is aimed at forming a ...

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Enhancing Students’ Employability Through Business Simulation

The purpose of this paper is to introduce an approach to business simulation with less dependence on business simulation software to provide innovative work experience within a programme of study, to boost students’ confidence and employability.


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The effect of games and simulations on higher education: a systematic literature review

The focus of higher education institutions is the preparation of future professionals. To achieve this aim, innovative teaching methods are often deployed, including games and simulations, which form the subject of this paper. As the field of digital games and simulations is ever maturing, ...

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